Monday, December 17, 2007

Formatting fug ups

I am facing some problems with getting the formatting right for my blog posts. Specifically, in my previous post - you will see that that there are no line breaks. Now, believe me - I like to be customer friendly. I want to make your experience on this blog super amazing. I am deeply honored that you take out the time to visit this page on a regular basis (now this is addressed to no one am sure).

And believe me (again), that I tried to insert line breaks not once, not twice but a zillion times but blogger just wont let me. I have tried clearing the cache but its still not working. If anyone has any idea, please do drop a line. Cheers

Update - As you can see, I can insert a line break in this one but still cant in the old one. Why is blogger being so unkind to me? Why oh Why!!!

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