Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Namastey London

Too tired to put together a well thought out, well laid out, well structured, well blah di blah post. But not tired enough to not being able to fight the urge to not blog. After the above sentence the tiredness increased a little more and am still not sure if its correct. But wtf. Here goes a string of totally random pearls -

I have not polished my shoes for 10 days now but they are still like they were on the first day. This after I walk almost half a km, sorry a third of a mile to work.

I travel 1.5 hours to pick up Indian food.

I have been waking up at 6 ever since I have come over. I last did that when I was in school and that was 9 years back.

Ever since I have come here, I have said sorry 50,678,456 times. Let me add, it was'nt really my fault 50,678,455 of those times

Prefix 50,678,456 with another 1. Thats the number of times I have said Thank You in the last 10 days. Its become such a habit now that I have even started thanking myself everytime I open the door (for myself), press the elevator button (for who ...myself), cook dinner, fart and pee. I really dont know if I mutter the thank you sermon while I am sleeping as well.

I wonder why women around the world donot feel cold. Cut to In India, sorry North India - wedding season (January), men are wrapped in suits and what not inside. Still need the whisky, vodka and more to keep them warm. Women with utter disregard to the under 5 degree temperature waltz around in backless cholis, sleeveless blouses and what have you. Cut to London and replace the backless cholis, sleeveless blouses with short, no very short skirts, sleeveless tops, plunging necklines and ya.. a jacket but for purely ornamental purposes. Women are the same everywhere. They dont feel cold. By the way, this is just an observation. You thought, I was complaining. Thwaaaack!!!

People here work, work, work work and then work a little more. On top of this, a friend told me - New York is worse. My ans was - do they have real ppl there or just robots. Am sure, the female robots also dont feel cold.

Desis donot talk to desis. It is as if they are thinking - shoo... dont come near me or I will be found out. That kinda sucks.

I have moved around the city using the tube. And, its bloody efficient, easy to understand and uncrowded to the extent of being uneconomical.

I love cities that have an Old world charm about them. London's got that by the drum loads. Enter Central London and you see buildings 50, 100, even 200 years old and there are a lot of them. I like that. The only place which used to give me that kind of feeling in Delhi was Connaught place. After Metro, even that has become ..... mmmmm.... i dunno... NEWY.

I miss the sun. I never thought that I would say this. After all, in Delhi thats the only thing we get a lot of. First 3 days, I was good. Nice, end novembry delhi weather and I was like - why do people crib about the weather here. Now, I know why..

I wanna write more, but I wanna sleep much more. So am off. More later.